We have seen Aaron Rodgers sport many different looks in his career.
His mustache comes and goes, but the looks that really stay in our memories are his to-the-T Halloween costumes.
Aaron Rodgers’ Past Halloween Costumes
Remember last year when everyone wondered what was going on with his haircut hiatus?
Once October rolled around, rumors started spreading, and people began making Aaron Rodgers Halloween costume predictions.
He did a great job keeping it a secret until the last moment. Some people thought he was going for Nick Cage in Con Air, Scott Stapp from Creed, or The Dude from The Big Lebowski.
Alas, anyone who guessed John Wick was correct. His costume was spot-on with facial blood, a fake gun, and even a pitbull borrowed from a friend.
2021 wasn’t his only incredible costume, though.
In 2019, Rodgers stepped out in a couples-themed costume with Danica Patrick. The duo went as two characters from the 2004 film Napoleon Dynamite. Rodgers dressed up as Uncle Rico, and Patrick dressed up as Napoleon’s friend, Deb.
In August 2019, Rodgers dressed up as Hal from Happy Gilmore for the Packers’ annual luncheon. DeShone Kizer, Manny Wilkins, and Tim Boyle went along with the theme and dressed up as other characters from the 1996 rom-com. It wasn’t a true Halloween but it’s too good not to mention.
One "Happy" QB squad.#GoPackGo pic.twitter.com/awzB2cIdf7
— Green Bay Packers (@packers) August 28, 2019
In 2017, Rodgers dressed up as a member of the boat crew from The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. His look was complete with the orange beanie and blue jumpsuit.
Aaron Rodgers’ Halloween Costume Prediction 2022
At the beginning of September, Rodgers debuted a new haircut. It is buzzed along the sides but long on the top, AKA an “undercut.” He has received a lot of comments about it all over the web.
New haircut for Aaron Rodgers Week 1 👀
(via @packers) pic.twitter.com/E9gfAv05od
— FOX Sports: NFL (@NFLonFOX) September 10, 2022
In my eyes, this can mean only one of two things- Aaron Rodgers will dress up as Arthur Shelby from Peaky Blinders or Don “Wardaddy” Collier, from the 2014 film Fury, this Halloween.
My instincts are pushing me toward Arthur Shelby for a few reasons.
- The Packers are playing in the UK this weekend (October 9, 2022).
- The 6th season of Peaky Blinders was released on Netflix a few months ago.
- Rodgers has the attitude to pull off the costume.
- Arthur Shelby is a badass.
*walking into Tottenham Hotspur Stadium* This place is under new management…BY ORDER OF THE GREEN BAY PACKERS.
by u/Fine_Yoghurt_5158 in GreenBayPackers
However, he could be throwing us all for a loop. If you’ve checked his Instagram lately, you’ll notice that his profile icon is a version of him as Luke Skywalker. Perhaps he’s just getting into the Halloween spirit.
1 Comment
Omg i never knew he was so dedicated to Halloween!! Makes me like him even more. I think this year he should go as Michael Scott from the office bc that’s his doppelgänger.
But i could totally see the peeky blinders idea working too, that show is RAD!