Though Milwaukee Bucks’ MarJon Beauchamp was out of the game on Monday due to an illness, that didn’t stop him from giving back to a couple of families on Halloween.
Bucks Star Surprises Families for Halloween
Beauchamp teamed up with the Racine Police Department to provide four families with a Halloween they’ll never forget. The treat was a Halloween goodie bag distributed by the Community Oriented Policing Unit (COP) through the Police Department, who’s in partnership with the MarJon Beauchamp Foundation.
Officer Travis Brady and Cadet Diaz of the Racine Police hand-delivered these goodies to three families at their homes and to one family with a child at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. Both officers served as the bearer of gifts as the Bucks were playing on Monday night.
One thing even sweeter? Beauchamp and his mother hand-packed these bags that were given out to families on Monday.
The gift bags included candy, school supplies, an autographed photo, and pumpkin with a positive message.
“Be great.”
Ofc. Brady said that Beauchamp wants to be able to encourage families who might be going through a hard time.
“Be great is an encouragement to everyone,” said Brady. “He (MarJon) just wants to encourage families who may be going through a tough time to remember that greatness is on the other side.”
He also added that everyone doesn’t have to be a basketball player to spread a little love.
“For some kids, greatness may mean a month without being in a hospital or a month of continual good attendance at school,” Brady said. “MarJon has a passion for Racine and just wants kids to realize that tomorrow can be greater than today.”
How the MarJon Beauchamp Foundation has impacted the Greater Milwaukee area.
Four families were treated this Halloween holiday by the Racine Police Department and the MarJon Beauchamp Foundation. – Credit: Anthony Lane Cop House / Racine Police Department
Throughout all of 2023, the MarJon Beauchamp Foundation has teamed up with COP through the Racine Police Department to connect with families outside of basketball. Some of these experiences included a giveback event with Roosevelt students and an even larger surprise that included a full day of shopping, dining, basketball, and hanging out with the professional basketball player himself.
This Halloween, the foundation decided to give back to families, here are the following four families and a brief story:
1. Levar Carter
Levar Carter is a former recipient of Beauchamp’s kindness. Carter’s mom, Lasheky “Sheky” Hill has been missing since March of this year. Since April, Carter has built a bond with the basketball star, and Beauchamp is someone that Carter looks up to and is so grateful for in tough times.
2. The Marshall Family
Bruce Marshall, who’s a football player with the Racine Raiders, has two children who have undergone open heart surgeries. His oldest son, Bruce, at age six, and then Braelon at around a year and a half old. To help with the healing and coping process, Beauchamp felt like he was meant to be connected with this family.
3. Keanna Banks
While the organizers of this surprise bless those who are experiencing hard troubles, it’s not a crime to highlight and commend those who are also doing great things in their communities. Keanna Banks is a student at Case High School, who’s shown positivity on and off the court. Ofc. Brady explained that those who know Banks know that she strives to be great in relationships, in school, in sports, etc.
4. Noah Solomon
The last recipient of the goodie bags was Noah Soloman. Soloman is a 14-year-old who is currently in the hospital, battling health complications with his heart and lungs. He underwent major heart surgery at just one and a half, which his heart stopped beating for nearly a complete hour. While he was brought back, his life has been full of health problems, and well over 100 surgeries.
The police officers said that when they walked in, Soloman started screaming in excitement.
“It brought us to tears and just the joy and the innocence in his heart even, though he’s going through such a rough time of life right now, was such an amazing eye opener for myself and so encouraging to me,” said Brady.
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