In all honesty, I don’t know how much longer I can take without this entire ‘no baseball’ thing that’s going on. Due to the pandemic, the sports world was in shambles. There’s been negotiations left and right, and somehow, the MLB just can’t seem to figure anything out.
The NBA came to an agreement and will continue their season on July 31st in Orlando, Florida. Their agreement included having 22 teams finish out the season. This consists of eight games with the season concluding no later than October 12th. Their players board approved it pretty quickly; whereas when it comes to MLB, the owners and commissioner seem to be more about the money than the actual game of baseball itself.
So What?
When all of this discussion began, the MLB planned on starting the season July first. In March, the owners and players came to an agreement that if there was no baseball in 2020, they would receive $170 million. If there is to be a season, their salaries would be prorated depending on the number of games played.
Now, either way, MLB is losing money. If they decide that they’re going to start the season, they’re going to do it with no fans, basically losing a big chunk of revenue right there. A lot of money for professional baseball comes from the fans and their sales. Without fans, there’s less money going into the pockets of the owners.
There was initial talks about just having baseball being played in Arizona and Florida with the Cactus/Grapefruit Leagues. That would just mean that the players are stuck there for months without their families.
This ultimately is going nowhere. The owners rejected the idea of a 114 game plan, but didn’t even offer a counter. Management had offered up an 82-game season, but the players wanted more with no additional salary cuts. The season needs to end in September, there’s no discussing around that, the owners won’t budge in moving that. Plus, that’s sticking to the regular schedule. Management had also coughed up an offer of 50 games and that just didn’t sit right with anyone. It would just be dumb to play 50 games; meet in the middle.
How Do We Solve It?
The fans aren’t going to do much in helping the owners open their eyes and see that they need to agree upon something with the players. The longer and longer they can’t come to an agreement, the longer we go without baseball, and the shorter the season will have to be. If they want this 89 game season, they need to start right now.
Owners and commissioner have come up with a 76 game proposal that would end the season on September 27. Also included in this proposal is playoff pool money, something they haven’t done, and 75 percent prorated salaries. As I’m writing this, the MLBPA sent in an 89 game proposal with full prorated pay where the regular season would end October 11th. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, owners fear that there will be a second wave that could put the postseason in jeopardy. Which, I get. I understand the health always comes first, and I wouldn’t want any of the players or staff to contract the virus, but they also want to play baseball.
The 89 game, full prorated salary proposal is going to be rejected. There’s no doubt about that, but I just want some baseball. And I know I’m not alone in that boat. I’m glad basketball is coming back, but baseball is something I live off of.
Owners, commissioner, players, just agree on something. I am begging.
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